Monthly Archives: April 2017

Dear Business Leader, writing as a Millennial…

READING TIME: 90 Seconds

I feel we are at a breaking point or a tipping point within organisational leadership. It is certainly an opportunity point.

With 63.3% of executives retiring over the next 5 years and millennials numbering over 50% of the workforce by 2020 (PWC) it is time for organisations to invest in the future of their millennial workforce. Attracting, inspiring, nurturing. This is where your legacy will be defined and future proofing for your organisation will be assured.

My concern is validated by one survey by which established that HR Professionals say only 9% of millennials can lead – yes, the same people who are reshaping the economy, changing the way consumers consume and organisations do business.

Please, take action now to change this outlook for business, we have the experience, expertise and pure passion to support you in transforming your organisation. Now is the time…

Begin to invest in a leadership team of the future – by building a Mirror Board programme. This programme will increase brand loyalty and is core to Naked Leader’s promise of 3 times more value, confidence and agility for your organisation.

Hand over responsibility and let your millennial employees know why their performance on a specific project matters to the greater good. Your young people, perhaps even more so than any other generation, like to feel that the work they’re doing is making a difference – your organisation needs to be a Force for Good, internally and externally.

Build a team of leaders – Young people have a team-ethic approach and need to feel they are a valued part of the team. Within this group, young people are more open to discussing ideas and changing their points of view. They’re more curious, innovative and less rigid than their parents.

Provide a clear pathway – Millennials expect rapid career progression as they have an ambition and desire to keep learning. And they are happy that progression happens horizontally across an organisation, rather than the traditional progression of promotion upwards.

Give your young people the platform – Multi-tasking is a way of life for young people and this high energy means they require a challenging environment to be able to be successful.

From our experience, I make you this promise: they may be the highest maintenance work force, they will also be the highest performing if you as an organisation make the above choices now.

Karl Sharman
Lead Youth Advisor
Naked Leader

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DO NOT READ THIS unless there is something still holding you back

Right now, you and every single person you can be, and every single person that you know and every single person reading this, have one thing in common.

One day, you will close your eyes, stop breathing and die.

So, why would you fear anything?

Success is very simple for us all

The idea that to pursue your dreams means giving up everything that is dear to you is nonsense:
– Success does not necessarily mean leaving your present company – indeed, it may be to stay and grow and find fulfilment.
– Success does not necessarily mean anything to do with work or your career
– Success is yours – it is yours to own and no-one else has any right to tell you that your success is wrong, if you do not hurt, or damage, someone else.

Success is indeed very simple, for anything in your life:
– Know what you want to do, or where you want to be
– Know where you are now
– Know what you have to do, to get to where you want to go, or where you want to be
– And, do it!

Whatever you want in life, you have massive power and potential to make it happen, to bring it closer and there is no point having such huge potential, if you do nothing with it.

Your future is your choice, always. You, me, everyone can always choose what we do, how we act. And: whilst we may not be able to control other people, events around us and in the world, and things that happen to us, we can always control how we react.

Adapted from:

Showing Millennials attention will provide a greater ROI

To get the best out of millennials for your organisation to get a return of investment, you must give them your total attention. Attention sounds very negative when people use the word in relation to providing attention to another individual however, all negative stereotypes can be turned into positive attributes when understood.

If you’re in a leadership position to millennials: the first thing you must do to show them attention is to be a coach; not a boss – they want access, they’re looking for a mentor and they want an environment where they can have a platform to be successful.

Perhaps even more so than other generation, Millennials want to feel that their work is making a difference and they would like to be recognised for it. For this to be achievable they need constant feedback (weekly minimum) and the feedback must be critical, best using the Sandwich Technique, to get the best out of their potential. You may also be surprised to know that while they’re brilliant at navigating the digital landscape, they prefer face-to-face communication so when you feedback ensure you sit down and have a conversation about it.

The final part on attention is to give the young person a significant role on a project – this responsibility will provide a lot of confidence in the person to go and progress further and feel like he or she is valued within the organisation. This one move could significantly increase loyalty and performance to generate further returns to your organisation.